Its been a long time since I last posted and I am sad to say in that 3 or so weeks I haven't done anything worth while talking about.
Haven't got anything of interest to talk about so I thought I might ramble on for a bit about, how can I put this, nothing at all. So lets get started.
Have just spent the last 3 hours of my life, maybe some would say wasted, watching The Da Vinci Code. I read the book and have to say I really enjoyed it. It had the ability to make you question and become absorbed in the quest. The most exciting parts of the book weren't in the film and maybe if they had it might have been a record breaking 18hours or so long. I felt that the film was very cliche and the twist of the heir was different to the book and I suppose was made to be the character everyone was expecting it to be so that the film could end. At least the burial site of Mary was kept the same as it definately wouldn't have been the same if it had been left in the church. Plus I suppose the lourve wouldn't be able to do tours and stuff and rake in profits.
I really feel like I need a break from it all. Have been speaking to one of my mates from uni and she has just come back from Gran Canaria for a week. As I was reading about it the screen started to turn green, but I doubt it was anything to do with envy, yer whatever. I just want to be lay on a exotic beach somewhere in paradise where its warm and there's waiters serving a whole host of tantilising drinks to tempt the tastebuds. But so does everyone when it starts to get cold and you can feel the rhinoviruses flying towards you with every uncovered sneeze and cough. MMMMmmm!!!! Delightful I'm sure, but could you please keep it to yourself. I think actually I am being a bit hypocritical there as I have had a cold and now everyone at work and harry has it too. Now don't start thinking that I don't cover my sneezes, cos I do and I am constantly washing my hands with all sorts of weird and wonderful concoctions that apparently have the ability "to rid the world of all diseases" ( well they are supposed to) but I just spread cold viruses to all that I meet.
Well look at me. I have manage to ramble on very succesfully for two paragraphs, don't think I will make a third so will say bye for now
Haven't got anything of interest to talk about so I thought I might ramble on for a bit about, how can I put this, nothing at all. So lets get started.
Have just spent the last 3 hours of my life, maybe some would say wasted, watching The Da Vinci Code. I read the book and have to say I really enjoyed it. It had the ability to make you question and become absorbed in the quest. The most exciting parts of the book weren't in the film and maybe if they had it might have been a record breaking 18hours or so long. I felt that the film was very cliche and the twist of the heir was different to the book and I suppose was made to be the character everyone was expecting it to be so that the film could end. At least the burial site of Mary was kept the same as it definately wouldn't have been the same if it had been left in the church. Plus I suppose the lourve wouldn't be able to do tours and stuff and rake in profits.
I really feel like I need a break from it all. Have been speaking to one of my mates from uni and she has just come back from Gran Canaria for a week. As I was reading about it the screen started to turn green, but I doubt it was anything to do with envy, yer whatever. I just want to be lay on a exotic beach somewhere in paradise where its warm and there's waiters serving a whole host of tantilising drinks to tempt the tastebuds. But so does everyone when it starts to get cold and you can feel the rhinoviruses flying towards you with every uncovered sneeze and cough. MMMMmmm!!!! Delightful I'm sure, but could you please keep it to yourself. I think actually I am being a bit hypocritical there as I have had a cold and now everyone at work and harry has it too. Now don't start thinking that I don't cover my sneezes, cos I do and I am constantly washing my hands with all sorts of weird and wonderful concoctions that apparently have the ability "to rid the world of all diseases" ( well they are supposed to) but I just spread cold viruses to all that I meet.
Well look at me. I have manage to ramble on very succesfully for two paragraphs, don't think I will make a third so will say bye for now
At 10:21 PM,
mountainear said…
As a potential expert in infectious diseases - and that must include the common cold - have you any views on using all the wierd and wonderful wipes, lotions and potions, rather than building up immunity?
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