The nervous rants of a uni student

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oh the joys of working full time. I am really not used to this, not that I would call what I do hard work it is just the menial tasks that make it so utterly and totally boring. Spending 7 and a half hours stood on your feet all day having to deal with customers was not the way I envisaged spending 3 months of my life, but hey we all have to do it. Been pumping some iron at the gym tonight trying to get buff. Well I say pumping iron I was actually lying down on several different machines which manipulate your body and tone you up and you don't even break a sweat. Now that's my idea of a workout. I don't think it helps that I come back from the gym and promptly open a bottle of wine.

Had to laugh today at work when a big boss came into the shop and the two managers who had been topping up on coffee all day came into the shop floor and proceeded to make us all actually do some work. I know that we get paid for work but my argument is that without a little conversation between staff there is no moral and that isn't pleasant for customers. I know it sounds bull but it actually works, although I don't know whether they are just humouring me.

It was photo time again today. Thought I had got away with it after having a shot taken on Saturday where one the other staff was trying to hug me, don't know how that one will turn out, as I was trying to make a quick exit. They wanted the full-timer photos yesterday so I had the chance to say that I was only a part-timer but they weren't having it so it was another "You Been Framed" moment. Then we had the action shots today. I had to pretend to bag on the till whilst another staff member was pretending to put the items through. It didn't seem to matter that there were no customers at the till or that I was bagging no clothes but what a great action shot it was. It was a classic moment of cheese especially the photo where we all had to do thumbs up. Can't wait to see the company magazine with all the pictures in.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I had my last exam on Friday morning. I am so happy that my life no longer involves the insane cramming of pointless pieces of information. I'm feeling quietly confident that I have passed them all but the moment I will definitely know will be a long way off. It will probably even longer if the lecturers carry out their planned strike. I'm sure they need the money but when I contribute to their salary I sure would like to get some work out of them.

I have a very long summer of 6 day weeks in front of me. Like most students the need for money is immense. The joys of activities such as shopping are too much to handle. Thank you to the bank who can afford to very kindly fund my insatiable need for such items as t-shirts and trainers. It doesn't help that I will be working in a shop which sells both these items. Well at least the empty shoe boxes make good storage space for the t-shirts.

I am very soon jetting off on holiday, only 3 weeks and I am flying off for a week filled of all inclusive drinking and eating. I went all inclusive last year and by the end of it couldn't wait to see the back of pizza and chicken burgers. But hey when its washed down with plenty of san Miguel who's complaining. After 2 weeks of the incessant screaming of around 1000 kids we couldn't wait to get back to the rain. I'm sure we had some kids playing with a ball outside our room for a good part of the night. That is if you could call what we had a room it was about the size of family bathroom and the balcony was that small the chairs had to go sideways. But we made the most of it and the person I was with had to put up with a lot of moaning from me.

I'm going to Greece so at this time of year the weather is pretty much guaranteed to be nice. Should see plenty of cats and goats which always seem to be a staple for any self respecting Greek island.

If anyone every gets the chance to go to Skiathos, which is a little Greek island which is totally uncommercialised, I would recommend a visit to the dogs home, where you can see the cutest dogs such as this lovely little puppy.

I am back in sunny England for a week and then go camping for a few days. Hopefully the weather will be nice but going by the conditions of the past month I shouldn't hold too much hope that I will be sat there in a bikini.

I can hear my vodka and coke calling me so best get back to it and make the most of being happy and exam free.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Don't know what the saying means but found it quite poinyant.

Well another one over and done with.

3 more hours sat in a room next to a sweaty swedish guy who looks like a flasher.

Once again sat in my car doing some last minute cramming in the midst of a very heavy downpour. Trying to concentration with that going on outside was hard. Its boring enough sitting through the lecture but when you have to keep going over and over again the same things the ZZZZZ appear.

Felt hopeful that the questions I had prepared for might come up as for the last 5 years they have been on the paper. They did come up thankfully so I could recite very rapidly the mouthparts of a mosquito, I'm sure it will come in very handy when the little buggers are biting me on holiday but what I can do about it I don't know.

I was speaking to someone when I came out of the exam and was asking how she had done and was promptly told that she hadn't bothered to revise as she had failed the first semester work so she might as well resit the entire year. Whats the point of that because she is just going to keep having the same attitude and will still be saying that when shes 65. At least make an attempt but thats just me.

Going to my placement tomorrow where they will decide if they can definately take me for the year. It all depends on how fit I am. God knows what they are going to prod me with I just hope I don't have to have a blood test. I'm alright with them putting things in but not taking it out. Its amazing what you can withstand I can watch a rat dissection but I can't have a blood test. I think I'm a wuss.

Well thats enough rambling for one day best get back to me revision can hardly wait but I suppose in the long run its worth it but it sure doesn't feel like that at the moment.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Don't we all need some of these. Wonder if they taste like jelly babies
Its always the worst time of year when the exams come round again. Should be used to doing them by now. Cant understand the point as everyone performs worst under exam conditions. I personally am always thinking was the revision enough and will I open the paper and be able to do anything. The worst and possibly most embarrassing thing that can happen though is the rumbling tummy. There is one person it always happens to and that would be me.

Top Tip of the Day eat a banana before going in works wonders!!

The banana trick saved me from the embarrassment this year but unfortunately couldn't save me from the B.O whiffs coming from someone nearby. You think that by the time they are uni they would have learnt some personal hygiene but you know what they say about students and why they always wear dark colours.

Sat in my car for a couple of minutes before going into the room just to settle my nerves. Felt quite proud of myself as I walked in as I knew all the things my mates didn't. Just as well they didn't know these things as none came up so the thoughts of the last couple of nights craming these pointless pieces of information are quickly splattered as I read the paper.

At least I managed to answer some questions or should I say whaffle, which is more than can be said for one of my mates who sat there for about 4 minutes, wrote her name and from the looks of it fell promptly asleep for the next 3 hours.

Hope its like GCSE RS where if you spelt your name right you passed the exam??? Could never quite understand that cos at the age of 16 if you cant spell your name you probably wont be in the exam. More than likely you will be faggin it in the bus stop or drinking white lighting in the park. No Stereotypes intended.

Well atleast now if anyone complains about my PMT I can explain fully in detail the complex hormones that control the menstrual cycle. Don't think they will be saying it again ha ha.

Well one down two more to go.